About Us
The Arbuthnott Family have lived here in "The Howe of the Mearns" since 1190 so there is a bit of history, myth and legend to be told and we would be happy to share this with you. The self-catering holiday cottages have been part of our family business since 1996, starting with the conversion of the old 1900 village school, into three separate 3-bedroom houses. The detached "Garden Cottage" was probably built around the late 1600's.
Arbuthnott Estate
The self-catering holiday cottages are found on the Estate where there are pleasant paths for walks and cycling. The River Bervie offers some fishing, some years, when conditions are right. For more information about activities in the area, please
Arbuthnott House is in the centre of the estate and is open 10 days a year and by prior appointment.
For House open days please visit www.arbuthnott.co.uk or follow @arbuthnotthouse on Twitter and Instagram
Please contact us on:
To book please go to www.cottages.com